Zabla & Kengyel

Dr. Gőblyös István lovakról, lovasoknak


2023. március 06. 08:06 - patkószeg

There are many different ideas about what good contact looks like. I see that in my environment riders create contact in different ways, not how I do it.

I think that the weight of the right contact is  equal to the weight of the rein. If contact is stronger than this, I think it is wrong. I’m in this opinion, despite the fact that  this is not what we see in public culture. But I can't say that only my way of contact is right, since, for example, if expectations are different in competitions, then competitors have to use a different kind of contact. But for my part, I don't want to deviate from the contact that everyone knows to be right and what regulations describe.

In public culture, strong contact serves two purposes: shaping the neck and satisfying the expectations of contact. This is why, they don’t ask for the right contact, but instead, the rider lean the horse forward so that the horse uses contact as its fifth leg to balance.

For me, contact is a means of communication, I could say it’s a tool. When information  is passed on from the rider to the horse it’s called aid. Contact is the opposite:  information goes the other way round from the horse to the rider. Using contact The rider can feel whether the horse  is relaxed, straight, balanced, or whether rear legs are sufficiently active. Of course, this feeling requires a lot of hand training. 

Once again, contact is free of aid because the direction of communication is opposite. It should be noted that the simultaneity of two-way communication is possible: aid can be used while maintaining contact.

I could say that contact itself is meaningless for the horse. Despite the fact that in reality contact cannot be meaningless because observation disciplines the horse. Contact is the riders’ "surveillance camera” and observation creates order. 

My dog Gerbaud is not allowed to sit on the sofa on the terrace of my house. But of course, he always sits there until I step out onto the terrace. Then he jumps off the couch because he knows I can see him. Observation creates order. The horse feels that the rider is watching it through contact. Observation creates order, but according to the law of nature, at first the horse is obliged to check whether it really has to accept this stronger discipline or not. For example, my son, Vince is a good boy all day, but in the evening, when it's his turn to brush his teeth and take a bath, he throws a tantrum every day. :)

The search for limits is a basic law of nature. The same is the case with contact and its function to create order.

Finally, it should be noted that contact can’t be stronger than the weight of the rein. There is a simple reason for this, a body in equilibrium can’t exert force on its environment. In order for the horse to exert force on the rider's hand through contact, it must give up its balanced position. In a state of equilibrium, no force can be exerted. Everyone can feel this when they stand so close to the wall that their toes touch the wall. In this position, it is impossible to push the wall. Pressure can only be exerted on the wall if the person steps back and leans against the wall, losing balance. The horse can exert as much force on the rider's hand as much it is out of balance.

And if there is no balance, nothing works. Without balance, the horse is incapable and unable to cooperate. Without balance, the rider teaches the horse to resist.

Contact must match the weight of the rein. If there is more, there is no balance, if there is less (the horse doesn’t make contact), there is no impulsion.

Contact must be created by the horse, but maintained by the rider. The horse can’t switch off the rider's "surveillance camera” unilaterally. If the horse wants to break contact by moving the poll up and back, the rider's hands must follow suit, the rider's hands must follow suit by maintaining contact. In this case, the fist moves backwards. Old masters didn’t say that the hand can’t move back, but that it can’t act back. But if the movement of the poll is too great, the technique of opening hands must be used.

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